Feb. 5th STEM Communication circuit summary

February 5th from 3:00 until 5:30 PM
Northwestern’s Chicago campus
Baldwin Auditorium
Robert H. Lurie Medical Center
Northwestern University
303 East Superior Street
Chicago, Illinois 60611
3:00 – 3:15 pm STEM CIrcuits introduction and Science Club presentation
3:15 – 4:15 pm Science communication and media training
4:15 – 4:45 pm Elevator pitch workshop
4:45 – 5:00 pm Small group discussion
5:00 – 5:30 pm Networking
Meet our speakers/facilitators
Nicole Woitowich, Director of Science Outreach and Education, Women’s Health Research Institute, Northwestern University

Nicole Woitowich, PhD
Dr. Nicole Woitowich is the Associate Director for the Women’s Health Research Institute at Northwestern University. She is actively transforming the landscape of women’s health through her research, advocacy, and outreach activities. She implements programming which informs the scientific and medical communities, as well as the public, about the influences of sex and gender on health and disease. In addition, Dr. Woitowich serves as the Director for the Illinois Women’s Health Registry, which promotes the participation of women in clinical research and evaluates state-wide women’s health trends. As a former Presidential Management Fellow awardee, she remains politically active and advocates on behalf of women’s health research. In 2018, she drafted legislation to recognize January 25th as National Women’s Health Research Day which was introduced in Congress by Sen. Duckworth and Rep. Schakowsky, and locally endorsed by Mayor Emanuel. While formally trained as biochemist, her current research explores the impact of science policy on research practices and gender biases in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medical (STEMM) fields. Dr. Woitowich has held a long-standing interest in the advancement and retention of women in the STEMM pipeline and has created programs both at Northwestern University and beyond to this end. In 2015, she was nominated to serve as a member of the Public Outreach Committee for the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, due to her ability to communicate science to diverse audiences and her passion for making science publicly accessible. Through this role, she served as a co-organizer for SciOut18, the first national meeting of science outreach practitioners in the United States.
Kristen Samuelson , Media Relations Specialist/Video Producer and Health Sciences Writer, Northwestern University

Kristen Samuelson
Kristin Samuelson is a media relations writer and video producer in the Office of Global Marketing and Communications at Northwestern University. While she writes and produces videos on a broad array of University stories, her main focus is on health and science research. Before coming to Northwestern, Kristin spent more than 10 years at the Chicago Tribune, working in a variety of roles ranging from consumer-help reporting to video production.
Marla Paul , Health Sciences Editor at Northwestern University
Rabiah Mayas, Associate Director of Science in Society, Northwestern University