5th Annual International Women’s Day Symposium themed “Advocating for Yourself and Others”.
About this event
Welcome to the 5th Annual Symposium 2022:
The Chicago Women in STEM initiative was founded in March of 2018 by a group of postdoctoral researchers and graduate students from Northwestern University looking to build a diverse and inclusive Chicago-area community with the purpose of promoting future women leaders in STEM. Over the past few years, our organization has grown to a leadership team of more than 15 female scientists with different backgrounds, cultures, and from different universities around Chicago.
Our initiative is proud to host the 5th Annual IWD Symposium which will be themed “Advocating for Yourself and Others”. Advocating for yourself is described as knowing yourself, your rights, and your value, and then choosing to make choices centered around those principles. As a community, we think that advocating for yourself is equally important as doing it for others. Unfortunately, STEM fields are still primarily male dominated with very few women of underrepresented minorities, which makes it even more challenging to advocate for yourself. Therefore, in our 5th IWD Symposium we will provide a platform to learn from successful women in STEM and how they advocate for themselves.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Chicago Women in STEM Initiative Team
*Remote joining information (via Zoom) will be provided closer to the date in the event reminder email.
• Our keynote speaker is Judith Spitz, PhD. Dr.Spitz is the founder and executive director of “Break Through Tech”, an initiative that propels underrepresented women into computer science, and former CIO at Verizon.
• Short talks from five pioneer women in STEM with different academic and cultural backgrounds. Each panelist will share challenges that they faced throughout their career and how they overcame these difficulties.
• Networking reception for attendees to connect further with our speakers facilitated by the Chicago Women in STEM leadership team.